Play |Jazz Ahead di mer 18/08/21
A cura di:Jazz Ahead 136 - Playlist: 1. Smooth Walk Upon The Creek, Decolonize Your Mind Society, Decolonize Your Mind Society Live in Lumen, Prepost Records, 2021 2. Aspiration, Sarah Wilson, Kaleidoscope, Brass Tonic, 2021 3. Terrorized by Shadows (Nightjar Eclipses Sun), The Plaster Cramp, V: Nightjar, Autoproduzione, 2021 4. Papa, Dan Nicholls, Mattering And Meaning, We Jazz Records, 2021 5. Yeh Yeh, Dan Nicholls, Mattering And Meaning, We Jazz Records, 2021 6. Kaleidoscope, Sarah Wilson, Kaleidoscope, Brass Tonic, 2021 7.Kelvin-Heimholtz (waves cresting saw-tooth peaks),The Plaster Cramp, V: Nightjar, Autoproduzione, 2021 8. Delta Road, Sarah Wilson, Kaleidoscope, Brass Tonic, 2021 9. Breathe, Dan Nicholls, Mattering And Meaning, We Jazz REcords, 2021 10. Stupid Fucking White Man, Decolonize Your Mind Society, Decolonize Your Mind Society Live in Lumen, Prepost Records, 2021
Jazz Ahead di mer 27/04/22
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Jazz Ahead di mer 20/04/22
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Jazz Ahead di mer 13/04/22
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