Play |Jazz Ahead di mer 16/02/22
A cura di:Jazz Ahead 161 - Playlist: 1. Masque, Island of Noise, Modern Nature, Bella Union, 2022 2. Brigade, Island of Noise, Modern Nature, Bella Union, 2022 3. Simmetry, Island of Noise, Modern Nature, Bella Union, 2022 4. Build, Island of Noise, Modern Nature, Bella Union, 2022 5. Something's going On, Kokoroko, Something's going On, Bronswood Recordings, 2022 6. The Glamours Tapes pt2, Aparticle, The Glamours Tapes, Ritmo And Blue, 2021 7.L'Inno delle Oceanine alla Bellezza e alla Fortuna , Francesca Heart, L'Inno delle Oceanine alla Bellezza e alla Fortuna, Leaving Records, 2022 8. Bone and Soil, Chelsea Charmichael, The River Doesn't like Strangers, Native Rebel Records, 2021 9. Noor, Chelsea Charmichael, The River Doesn't like Strangers, Native Rebel Records, 2021 10. The River Doesn't like Strangers, Chelsea Charmichael, The River Doesn't like Strangers Native Rebel Records, 2021
Jazz Ahead di mer 27/04/22
| 28-04-2022 -
Jazz Ahead di mer 20/04/22
| 21-04-2022 -
Jazz Ahead di mer 13/04/22
| 14-04-2022 -
Jazz Ahead di mer 06/04/22
| 07-04-2022